
Toolbar: UCS; Construction Lines > Rotate UCS Z and Rotate UCS World

Ribbon: View > User Coordinate Systems (in UCS); Draw > Construction Lines > UCS Z and UCS World

Menu: Draw > Construction Lines > Rotate UCS Z and Rotate UCS World

Keyboard: _UCS

Defines or modifies the current user coordinate system. You can use the UCS to create a system for entering coordinates and planes and for viewing drawings. This command defines the UCS in three-dimensional space.


  1. Before changing the UCS to the World Coordinate System.
  2. After changing the UCS to the World Coordinate System.


  1. Before changing the origin of the current UCS.
  2. After changing the origin of the current UCS.
  3. The new origin (0,0,0).


  1. Before changing the UCS to lie along a specified z-axis.
  2. After changing the UCS lie along a specified z-axis.
  3. The new z-axis.

TIP  To use the Explorer to define the UCS, type EXPUCS .

? ◆ 3point ◆ Delete ◆ Entity ◆ Origin ◆ Previous ◆ Restore ◆ Save ◆ View ◆ X◆Y◆Z ◆ ZAxis ◆ <World>: To retain the current setting, press Enter. To list all defined UCS definitions, choose ?. To define a new UCS origin and the direction of its x- and y-axes, choose 3point. To delete a saved coordinate system, choose Delete. To define a new UCS origin based on a selected entity, choose Entity. To define a new UCS origin by specifying a new point, choose Origin. To revert to the previous UCS definition, choose Previous. To restore a saved UCS, choose Restore. To save the current setting, choose Save. To define a new UCS with the x,y plane parallel to your screen, choose View. To rotate the current UCS around a specified axis, choose X, Y, or Z. To define a UCS with a particular positive z-axis, choose ZAxis.

To define a new UCS origin and the direction of its x- and y-axes

Choose 3point.

New origin <0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000>: To accept the current setting, press Enter. To change the UCS origin, enter new values for the x,y,z coordinates or specify a point.

Point on positive X axis <1.0000,0.0000,0.0000>: To accept the current setting, press Enter. To change the positive x-axis, enter new values for the x,y,z coordinates or specify a point.

Point in X-Y plane with positive Y value <0.0000,1.0000,0.0000>: To accept the current setting, press Enter. To change the positive y-axis, enter new values for the x,y,z coordinates or specify a point. You can locate this point anywhere on the positive y of the new UCS xy plane.

To delete a UCS definition

Choose Delete.

UCS name(s) to delete, or ? for list: Enter the names of the UCS definitions you want to delete. To view a list of all UCS definitions, choose ?.

To define a new UCS by selecting an entity

You can define a new UCS by selecting an arc, circle, dimension, line, point, two-dimensional polyline, plane, or three-dimensional face entity. You can also use the insertion point of a text entity, block, external reference, or attribute definition.

Choose Entity.

Select entity for UCS definition: Select the entity you want to use to define the new UCS.

To specify a new UCS origin

Choose Origin.

Origin point <0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000>: To accept the current setting, press Enter, or enter new values. The direction of the x-, y-, and z-axes are unchanged.

To load a saved UCS definition

Choose Restore.

UCS name to restore: Enter the name of the UCS definition you want to restore. The viewing direction in effect when the UCS was saved is not restored; the restored entities take on the current UCS.

To save a UCS definition

Choose Save.

Enter name for saving UCS, or ? for list: Enter a name for the saved UCS definition. To view a list of all saved UCS definitions, choose ?.

To rotate the current UCS around a specified axis

Choose X, Y, or Z.

Enter angle of rotation about X[Y,Z] axis <90>: Enter the angle of rotation for the specified axis.

To define a new UCS with a specified positive z axis

Choose ZAxis.

Origin point <0.0000,0.0000,0.0000>: To accept the current setting, press Enter. To change the UCS origin, enter new values for the x,y,z coordinates or specify a point.

Point on positive Z-axis <0.0000,0.0000,1.0000>: To accept the current setting, press Enter. To change the positive z-axis, enter new values for the x,y,z coordinates or specify a point.

UCS Icon

Construction Line

Define user coordinate systems

3D Array
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