Dimensions: DIMENSION

Keyboard: _DIMENSION

Alias: DIM, DIM1

Dimensions drawing entities in a variety of ways.

Dimensioning command: Choose the dimensioning command you want from the prompt box, or type a dimensioning command. To exit dimensioning mode and return to the command bar, press the Esc key or type Exit.

While you are using dimensioning commands, you can also use the dimension-related commands listed in the following table. You do not need to type the letters "dim" preceding each command, and you can type an abbreviation of the command as shown here.

Command Abbreviation Explanation
Aligned AL Draws an aligned linear dimension.
Angular AN Dimensions an angle.
Baseline B Continues a linear dimension from a base point.
Center CE Places a center mark.
Continue CO Continues a linear dimension.
Diameter D Measures a diameter of a circle, arc, or polyline arc.
Done DO Exits dimensioning mode.
Edit ED Edits dimension text and oblique lines.
Hometext HOM Returns dimension text to its default position.
Horizontal HOR Draws a horizontal linear dimension.
Leader LEA Draws a leader and text.
Newtext N Replaces dimension text.
Oblique OB Oblique dimension lines.
Ordinate OR Ordinate dimensions.
Override OV Overrides dimension style.
Position P Repositions dimension text.
Radius RA Measures the radius of a circle, arc, or polyline arc.
Redraw RED Redraws the screen.
Restore RES Restores dimensions to the current style.
Rotated RO Draws rotated dimension.
Save SA Saves dimension styles.
Status STA Displays the status of dimension variables.
Style STY Selects another text style for dimension ext.
Trotate TR Rotates dimension text.
Undo U Undoes the last dimension command.
Update UP Applies dimension style to selected dimensions.
Variables VA Lists values of a specified dimension style.
Vertical VE Draws a vertical linear dimension.

Dimension Styles Manager

Reset Dimension Text

Create dimensions

3D Array
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